Continuous Emission Pollution Monitoring System
By ALVI Tags: Continuous Emission Pollution Monitoring SystemALVI Automation, Jaipur India in association with ALVI Technologies Sydney Australia (Gas Alarm Systems) and MSR Germany can design engineered supply maintain continuous emission monitoring/ surveillance/sentry system. The pollution monitoring sentry is housed in IP65 polycarbonate, glass fiber reinforced, Rough rugged impact-resistant, high-frequency low amplitude, low-frequency high amplitude knocks resistant including UV protection. The system comes with an integral plug-in sensor cartridge of your choice up to max 4 – 32 sensor cartridges can be installed with Standalone, PLC/HMI panel option.
Under the guidance of our Managing director Mr. Alak Jha who has worked in Drager, MSA, Ecotech and with various Australian companies in pollution monitor we were able to supply our Standalone continuous CO gas monitoring system to companies like:
- Electrosteel Castings Limited
- kamdhenu ispat + 3 more of its division
- Maharashtra steel authority
This was addressed to the pollution control board with their respective state and based on our Standalone type supplied to monitor the CO level they were given license of operation
With that said the pollution monitoring parameter coming out of industries like power plant (we presume Coal or Gas based) under the PLUME dispersion characteristics studies for:
- Fenceline monitoring (4-8 directions)
- Rooftop monitoring (MAST)
The parameter will be like:
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) : 0-300 PPM, EC type (other ranges available)
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2): 0-2000 PPM, IR type (other ranges available)
- Sulphur Dioxide (SO2): 0-20 PPM, EC type
- Nitric Oxide (NO): 0-20 PPM, EC type
- Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2): 0-100 PPM, EC type (other ranges available)
- Ozone (O3): 0-5 PPM, EC type (other ranges available)
- Particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5): 0~1000μg/㎥, Laser type
- Particulate matter 10 (PM10): 0~2000μg/㎥, Laser type
- Temperature and Humidity: -20℃~60℃, 0~99%RH
- TVOC Data: 0 3.5mg/m3, Metal oxide sensor type
- Wind Speed
- Wind direction
- Solar radiation
- Atmospheric pressure
All these parameters can be monitored using our Smart PLC/HMI solution with data logging facilities and Historical data monitoring system with following benefits as follows:
- 4x Channel interface (can be extended up to 32 for analog type sensor and 96 for Digital type sensor)
- HMI touch display
- User-friendly operation
- Datalog facility with the USB option
- 5x Digital relay output for external AV alarm
- 2x Analog output 4-20mA/2-10 VC
- Data access on mobile with same wifi connection
- GSM dialler option
- Historical graphic display
- UPS option
- Solar panel option
- Option of the panel: Metal/ABS/Polycarbonate/Stainless Steel IP54
Note: As a plant operator if such parameter is monitored, locked and send to the pollution control board then as per our understanding will be accepted
Now if you are an operating industry like the power plant, steel plant where they are looking for a pollution monitoring system or PEMS or CEMS in PPB level which is beyond lakhs or crores rupees and beyond our scope as such system needs a dedicated 24×7 maintenance and service such as:
- Sampling pump (Breakdown)
- Sampling filter (clogging)
Employed with technologies like NDIR, FID, FT, Gas chromatography
In addition, we can also supply Actuators, Float switch, process devices, etc
For more details please feel free to contact us or email us to info@alviautomation.com
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