For Detection of Hydrocarbons, Diesel, Petroleum Products, Spill on Water
By ALVIFor Detection of Hydrocarbons, Diesel, Petroleum Products, Fuel on Sea Water, Water, River Streams, Lakes, Ponds, Waste Water, Trade Discharge of Effluents, one of the most cost effective solution is to used Jola Germany floating electrodes leak detectors SCHE.
The SCHE floating electrode is best designed to detect thin layer of petroleum hydrocarbon products having a lover specific gravity on top of conductive liquids like water.
THE SCHE … floating electrodes are made up of an upper section and a lower section. The upper section consists of an electrode holder and a rod electrode (whose position can be adjust in the electrode holder) with one control electrode and one earth electrode for alarm signalling. The lower section of the floating electrode is made up of four floats and a stabilising plate.
When a conductive liquid like water is over laid by a non conductive liquid like thin layer of oil, hydrocarbons, diesel, petroleum products is sufficient to list the electrode rode tips and thus interrupt the current flowing from the electrode relay via the road electrode and thus generate alarm.
The system can also be supplied meeting hazardous area certification needs for zone-1 and zone-2 Gr IIA, Gr IIB hazardous atmosphere.