Gas Detection in Power Plants.

Gas Detection in Power Plants.

ALVI  Automation – India (  in association with Gas Alarm Systems – Australia ( offer  Gas Detection  Sensor Systems in Power Plants.

A power plant can be of several types depending mainly on the type of fuel used. These fuel sources are burned to produce electricity through turbines or engines . Regardless of what type of fuel used, gas, fire and other hazards pose a significant risk to the plant and employee safety . Gas Detection in power plants is essential to enhance personal safety and minimize the risk of fire.

Potential hazardous gases:

Methane and Carbon Monoxide: The coal conveyers into the plant accumulate coal dust, which is highly combustible. Coal produces methane (CH4) and carbon monoxide (CO), which can accumulate to hazardous concentrations in confined spaces. Such places should not only have toxic gas monitoring, but should even be reinforced with oxygen deficiency monitors to safeguard the quality of air for employees.

Hydrogen : Power plants utilize hydrogen as a coolant in quite a few areas of operation. Being highly combustible, hydrogen leaks could be fatal as they can cause explosions and fires, potentially causing loss of life and destruction to plant. A hydrogen leak need not only cause damage by combustion, its absence can also cause extensive damage to the machinery as a result of overheating.

Ammonia: Ammonia (NH3) is used in the coal burning process to remove nitrogen oxides that are produced during combustion. Ammonia is classified as extremely hazardous substance and hence ammonia should be handled and used safely.

Others: Many other power plant operations may need personnel protection system against few other harmful gases such as CO2, CL2, ClO2, HCl, NO2, O3, SO2 and SO3.

The major safety risks in power plants can be addressed by installing a fixed gas detection system . Gas Detection in power plants provides a preventive measure that increases the productivity of these plants.

Why choose us?

At GasAlarm Systems, we offer a wide range of methods for the detection of gases. When handling hazardous substances special precautions are essential. This applies in particular to the power industry, where many different hazardous substances are used in hazardous area. GasAlarm System provides innovative sensors and controllers with IECEx Approval ready to determine the life-threatening gases and display them immediately, even under extreme hazardous locations.

Many power plants nowadays have been implementing Functional Safe systems to assess the risks from their existing operations and improve the performance of risk control systems.  We offer a dedicated portfolio of gas detection products with SIL2 certification to help meet your process safety requirements.

The products and services we provide are based on years of experience and have been compiled with a lot of know-how and the individual customer requirements. We can provide complete service and cost-effective solutions that can be tailored to your individual needs. Contact us now