Hydrogen (H2) Gas Sensor Transmitter GasAlarm
By ALVI Tags: %LEL, %VOL, 12BitConverterResolution, 4to20mAoutput, AAQMS, Accessories, Adapter, AlarmRelay, AssetSafetyProtection, ATEX, ATEXCertified, ATEXGasDetector, automationengineering, bms, Calibration, Calibrationservice, CCOE, CellarAlarm, CMRI, Compact, conditionmonitoring, Continuousmonitoring, controller, controlpanel, controlpanels, controlsystems, CriticalLifeThreatening, criticalsafety, Cyclopentane Gas Detector, Cyclopentane Gas Monitor, Datalogging, Detector, DGMS, DigitalBusSensors, DigitalCalibration, DurableHousing, Easycalibration, ElectricalExprotected, energysaving, energysavings, EnvironmentalMonitoring, exchanging, Exdb, ExnA, ExplosionProof, ExplosiveGas, factoryautomation, FastAutoRecovery, FaultSignalRelay, FlameDetector, flameproof, FlameproofGasDetector, FlameproofGasSensor, FlammableGas, FlammableLiquid, FullyGasketedPolycarbonateIP65Enclosure, Fumigation, FumigationProducts, GasAlarm, gasalarmsystems, GasControllers, gasdetection, gasdetectionitswhatwedo, Gasdetector, GasDetectorTubes, gasindustry, gasleakdetection, Gassensor, GasSensorTransmitters, GasTransmitters, GlassFibreReinforcedEnclosure, GSM, GSMDialer, GSMModule, HandPumpsAccessories, HandTool, HART, HARTProtocol, HAZAN, hazardous, HazardousArea, hazmat, HAZOP, HighAccuracy, HistoricalGraph, hvac, hvacr, Hydrogen Gas Detectors, Hydrogen Gas Sensor Transmitter GasAlarm, IAQ, IECEx, IECExCertified, ImpactResistantEnclosure, IndoorAirQuality, industrialautomation, industrialcontrol, industrialengineering, instrumentation, instruments, Intrinsicallysafe, JunctionBOX, JunctionBOXCopperFree, JunctionBoxMarineGrade, knockProtection, LCD, LCDDisplay, leakdetection, LED, lifesafety, MAPAnalysers, MarineGradeEnlosure, mepdesign, MetrologicalTesting, MSR CONTROLLER, MSR Germany, MSR SENSOR, OverFloodingProtection, OverloadProtection, PerCalibratedSensor EasyReplaceable, PESO, Petrol Vapours Gas Detector Monitor, Petrol Vapours Gas Monitor, plc, plcprogramming, PlugPlay, PoisoningProtection, PolyGard2, PolyXeta2, PortableGasDetector, PPM, Protection, Relay, reliability, remotemonitoring, ReversePolarity, ReversePolarityProtection, RS485, RuggedEnclosure, safetyandsecurity, safteyfirst, Selectivity, SelfMonitoringSystem, sensor, sensorhead, SerialInterface, ServiceAlerts, ShapelyHousing, ShortCircuit, SIL, SIL2 Certified, SIL2), SIL2. SIL1, Smartcontrolpanel, SmartDigitalType, SolventMonitoring, StainlessSteelEclocsure, StainlessSteelHousing, Standalone, StatusLEDs, ToughEnclosure, Toxic Gas Detector, USBPort, VibrationProtection, ZenerDiodeProtection, ZONE1, ZONE2, μGard2MC2SeriesALVI Automation (India) Pvt Ltd, a Division of ALVI Technology Pty Ltd, Australia ( Td/As Gas Alarm Systems) is pleased to introduce Our most popular, most miniaturized exchangeable Hydrogen (H2) sensor cartridge with cutting edge German Technology.

We are involved with designing, engineering, implementing, calibrating in the field of Gas Detection Systems, Instrumentation, Field devices, and Automation and several automation industries in the Australasian region including now in India. Our mission is to grow consistently using the best global technologies in products and services offered to customers. We aim to serve and maintain long term relationships by providing the most cost-effective appropriate solutions.
We have successfully carried out projects all over India, Australia ( Via Head office), New Zealand, & Hong Kong in building engineering industries, oil & gas, medical gases, Petro-chemical, mining, food & beverage, laboratories and refrigeration industries. We take pride in providing total process engineering solutions with strong customer service focus and OH&S policies.
We are together having more than 60 years of experience in this field gathered from all over the world, We will not only meet your application engineering needs but would try to far exceed it and continue the trust and confidence and relation for years
Exchangeable sensor unit including digital value processing, temperature compensation and self-control for the continuous monitoring of the ambient air.

The sensor unit MC2 houses a module with μController, analog output and power supply in addition to the infrared or Pellistor sensor element including amplifier. The μController calculates a linear 4–20 mA (or 2–10 V) signal out of the measurement signal and stores all relevant measured values and data of the sensor element.
Calibration is done either by simply replacing the sensor unit or by using the comfortable, integrated calibration routine directly at the system.

- Digital measurement value processing incl. temperature compensation
- Internal function control with integrated hardware watchdog
- Data / measured values in μC of the sensor unit, therefore simple exchange uncalibrated <> calibrated
- High accuracy and reliability
- Long sensor lifetime
- Hardware and software according to SIL2 compliant development process
- Easy maintenance and calibration by exchange of the sensor unit or by comfortable on-site calibration
- 4–20 mA (or 2–10 V) analog output with selectable signal output for special mode, fault etc.
- Reverse polarity protected, overload and short-circuit proof
- IP65 version
- Housing for integration of the sensor unit (option)
- Display (option)
- Display with two open-collector outputs for horn (resettable) and warning lamp (option)
- Conformity to:
o EN 50271
o EN 50545:2017
o EN 61010-1
o ANSI/UL 61010 1
o CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1 - Duct mounting kit (accessory)
Our Industries:
Our customers comes from various industries like oil/gas, chemical, Manufacturing, petro-chemical, pharmaceutical, building, mining, nuclear, steel, defence, power, water, waste water, mining, cement, diary, automobile etc.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to contact us or reach our experts to info@alviautomation.com, sales@gasalarm.com.au
Be sure, Be safe – Gas Detectors and Alarm Systems