Hydrogen (H2) Gas Leak Sensor For Battery Rooms
By ALVIBattery rooms or battery charging bays or battery charging stacks are being widely used in Data Center, UPS Systems, Renewable Energy Sources like Solar Plants, Wind farms, Submarines, Naval Vessels and Underground Bunkers etc.
MSR, Germany micro-gard Hydrogen sensor transmitter, Catalytic pellistor, 0-100% LEL H2 in IP44 enclosure with features:
· Continuous monitoring
· Low zero point drift
· Poisoning stable
· Long life sensor
· Easy maintenance / calibration
· Reverse polarity protected
· Overload protected
· IP 44 protected enclosure
· Response time <10sec
· Short circuit reverse polarity protected
· Plug-in sensor PCB for easy service and replacement
· 24 VDC 4-20mA output or 2-10 VDC output
These batteries when being charged generate, liberate highly explosive Hydrogen (H2) gas. The LEL(Lower Explosive Limit) of Hydrogen (H2) is 4 % Vol. and the UEL (Upper Explosive Limit) is 77 % Vol. Hydrogen (H2) is lighter than air and travels towards ceiling in an enclosed battery room.
The potential risk of this Hydrogen (H2) generation liberation in battery rooms are:
- Potential of creating highly explosive atmosphere which can create explosions in the battery rooms due to electrical sparks, electrical short-circuits, electrical earth leakage and high surge capacitive discharge.
- Oxygen depletion atmosphere in an enclosed battery rooms there by causing breathing safety hazard for working humans.
To design engineer install a continuous Hydrogen (H2) detection and monitoring system and to control the ventilation fans to remove the built-up Hydrogen (H2) gas.
ALVI Automation India in association with Gas Alarm Systems, Sydney Australia and MSR, Germany can design, engineer and supply Hydrogen (H2) sensor transmitter along with gas monitoring control panels for controlling the ventilation fans in the battery rooms to dissipate the explosive atmosphere. We have range of sensor transmitter with 4-20 mA analog output, stand alone single point gas controllers, multi channel digital Modbus centralised gas control systems.
MSR, Germany product range includes ATEX, IEC-Ex, SIL2 Hazardous area certified for zone-1 and zone-2 hazardous atmospheres.
All from MSR, Germany hence quality and reliability are assured. All systems supplied by ALVI Automation India will be supported, calibrated, maintained, serviced as per Global standards.