IECEx approved gas detection in oil and gas industry
By ALVIThe day-today operational processes in Oil & Gas Industry involve exploration, drilling, production, transportation, storage and distribution in order to yield the refined product.
All such processes are quite complex and are associated with inherent hazards from the combustible of product themselves or toxic gas emission. Gas detection is critical to protect the personnel and plant from such hazards.
The facilities at Oil & Gas could have hazardous levels of explosive gas or vapour that could possibly ignite and cause fire or explosions. The electrical equipment needs to be certified for the area in which it has to be installed.
Such hazardous area that contains combustible or flammable mixtures of vapours or gases are classified according to the likelihood of the flammable mixture being present and the nature of the mixture so present. Gas detectors installed in hazardous areas necessarily has to conform to the area classification for that area.
At GasAlarm Systems, we offer Gas Detection sensors with IECEx approval to withstand the most demanding environments. Our PolyXeta II sensors with IECEx approval is an ideal solution for the gas detection in hazardous areas.
The sensors are classified into three main categories:
- Polyxeta II series Sensor with Ex demb[ib] Zone 1: For combustible and toxic gases, intrinsically safe, can be opened in Zone 1 without disconnecting
- Polyxeta II series Sensor with Zone 1: For combustible and toxic gases, with Zone 1 flameproof enclosure
- Polyxeta II series with Zone 2: For combustible and toxic gases, with Zone 2 flame-proof enclosure
Detecting the presence of flame or hazardous gases is a necessary first step, but it is equally important to deliver alarms such as flashing strobes or sounding horns, and to take other remediation actions where possible. We provide a range of gas detectors with a complete integrated system to detect, monitor and control such hazards.
For further information on our PolyXeta II range of products, please click here.