JOLA- Floating switches For Mines
By ALVIALVI Automation in association with ALVI Australia and Jola Germany takes pride to present the Jola Float Switches in India .
For mounting from the side or from the top.
To ensure a correct switching the cable must be fixed at the required height:
• using a stuffing gland, for example, in the case of mounting from the side or
• using a fixing weight, for example, in the case of mounting from the top.
These units are not suitable for use in turbulent liquids (e.g. in stirrer tanks).
Technical data : SI/SSX/LF/20/1/K/…/Variant 0 I M2 / II 2 G …
Application : for use in intrinsically safe circuits in mines susceptible
to firedamp or in potentially explosive atmospheres
zone 1 and 2;
EC certificate : INERIS 03 ATEX 0149
Operating principle : Ball-operated microswitch, potential-free changeover contact.
Float protection class : IP68
Max. immersion depth
of the float max. 10 metres head of water at + 20°C
Connecting cable /application range /temperature range : black TPK cable, 4 G 0.75 (SI/SSX/LF/20/1/K/TPK/…):
For use in:
water / used water / slightly aggressive liquids,
specific gravity: ≥ 0.7 g/cm³
Temperature : Between 0°C and + 60°C
Black CM cable, 4 G 0.75 (SI/SSX/LF/20/1/K/CM/…):
For use in:
water / certain acids / certain lyes, specific gravity: ≥ 0.8 g/cm³
Temperature : Between 0°C and + 60°C
Cable : white PTFE cable, 4 G 0.75 (SI/SSX/LF/20/1/K/PTFE/…):
For use in:
All liquids in which the float material PP and
the seal material FPM or EPDM are also resistant, specific gravity: ≥ 0.8 g/cm³.
Temperature : Between 0°C and + 60°C.
Connecting cable length 2 metres, other cable lengths on request
When ordering, please state cable type and length.