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Great news #CSIRO Australia, #universityofqueensland are developing and testing #coronavirusvaccine – all hospitals treating #covidpatients #ccpvirus #patients need to ensure #negativepressure #ventilationsystem – how to ensure – use #differentialpressure #switch #transmitter – next ensure #worldclass #safetycriticalsystem #gasmonitoringsystem for #toxicgases #toxicfumes #toxicvapours #toxicaerosols #toxicatomised sneeze coughs to ensure #safebreathableair for #patients and #medicalstaff – now if one is testing #covidvaccine or researching CCPVirus vaccine you still need world-class #gasdetection #gasmonitoring to ensure #healthyairquality #oxygenmonitoring #co2monitoring #carbondioxide and monitoring host of monitoring toxic gases vapors – we at Alvi Gas Alvi Automation India are at the forefront to meet the above design engineering challenges

By Alak Jha

MSR Control Panel
MSR GC06 Controller
MSR Ex-Proof PX2 sensor