PolyGard® Digital Door-Entrance-Module DEM-03
By ALVIALVI – India (http://www.alviautomation.com) in association with Gas Alarm Systems – Australia (http://www.gasalarm.co.au) offer Ammonia Gas Sensor PolyGard® Digital Door-Entrance-Module DEM-03
Door-Entrance-Module based on state-of-the-art micro-technology for the continuous monitoring of the alarm levels of the Gas Warning Systems DGC05 and DGC03 .
The DEM-03 can monitor the alarm situations of the DGC 03, DGC-05 and MGC-04 via the RS 485 bus. Up to 30 Relay-Information`s can be used over System bus to control alarm display and warning outputs.
Configuration can be done over internal keypad , to get level- and project independent structure without specific programming knowledge.
The DEM-03 is especially designed for the use in underground garages and multi-store car parks.
or Room Application e.g. Laboratory
Especially suitable for monitoring underground garages and car parks
Logical menu structure in different languages
Simple, fast commissioning due to pre-configuration with standard parameters
All alarm relays can be used for Signal Horn or Signal Lamp or Warning Text or Local Relays (max 2)
Modular design (plug-in technology)
Serial interface RS 485
IP 65 version
Enclosure fire-resistant according to UL 94V2
Integrated warning buzzer (option) with reset function internal/external
230 VAC power supply (option)
LED flash signal (option)
Heating (option)